Vba Hide Sheet When Deactivate. I want to unhide it and activate it, work on the worksheet. So when opening the document sheets With such a table at hand (in an all time hidden sheet if need be) you traverse it (one single piece of code) and - upon code entering - you unhide If.
Occurs when any sheet is deactivated.
Learn how to hide sheets in Excel via the right-click menu or a button click and how to have all sheets except active one hidden automatically with VBA.
It continues to loop through all the This macro works great if you are hiding and unhiding sheets every day/week/month for a report that you maintain. It's important to recognize that Column objects reside on Thus, when making a call on a Column object, you must either specify the sheet or expect the currently active sheet to be used. Hide or unhide worksheets This macro demonstrates how to unhide a worksheet, and also how to hide it so that it can only be unhidden by a macro.