Vba For Each Worksheet. After it is done looping through all the worksheets, it reactivates the original. Option Explicit Dim ws As Worksheet, a As Range.
Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook. The For Each loop works the same way in Access VBA as it does in Excel VBA. The following example will remove all the tables in the current database.
VBA code. 'Name macro Sub CopySheetsToNewWorkbooks().
Delete All Shapes On All Worksheets.
However if you want to read the sheets in any other order e.g. right to left then you have to use the for loop: ' Reading the worksheets from right to left Dim i As. The third VBA macro copies worksheets from all open workbooks and collects them all to a single master workbook. The last macro names the created The following macro copies each sheet in the current workbook to new workbooks.