Vba Excel Worksheetfunction Ceiling. When you use the term WorksheetFunction. You can see that each item separated by the colon sign.
Vba How To Get Worksheetfunction Name - Worksheet : Resume ... (Donald Hale)
Used as a container for Microsoft Excel worksheet functions that can be called from Visual Basic. The text is split based on a given delimiter - e.g. a comma, space, colon etc. When you use the term WorksheetFunction.
Excel has a number of functions that can be used in the Visual basic environment only, but it also has at it's disposal a long list of the standard Worksheet Functions.
Public Function Ceiling(Value As Double, Significance As Double) As Double Ceiling = Excel.
CEILING Function Excel - Round a number up to a multiple
VBA does not have a Ceiling. Shows how to call the WorksheetFunction Ceiling in VBA including the arguments descriptions. Ceiling returns number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance.