Vba Delete Worksheet By Name. Delete Worksheet method in VBA is used to delete the sheet from the Excel workbook. If you attempt to delete a worksheet that does not exist, VBA will generate an error.
Since you are deleting sheets using VBA, you know what you are doing. To apply this method first we need to identify which sheet we are deleting by calling the sheet name. DisplayAlerts = True End If Next Sheet End Sub.
If you look in the VBE property window you will see both names.
In practice this will perform the same operation as the clear contents option, so a raw To clear your entire sheet of data and formats you need to use a delete option and to do this we simply change our VBA script to: Sub ClearSheet().
Delete multiple Excel worksheets from a list of names that you want to delete with a For Loop using VBA. In this example, we will see a simple way of deleting any worksheet. Delete Rows Based on Criteria Specified by User.