Vba Delete All Worksheets Except One. Delete Worksheet method in VBA is used to delete the sheet from the Excel workbook. My code looks like this: int wsCount = workbook.
I have an application that allows the user to add worksheets so I cannot turn on Workbook Structure protection. Count When you delete a Workbook or Worksheet, this method displays a dialog box that prompts the user to confirm the deletion. So I put this code together from research.
Activate 'not required but allows user to view sheet please am a novice in VBA i will like to modify your VBA code for multiple criteria to filter my data but am having my first column A as date and time.
To delete a VBA Worksheet we need to turn off the Application.
In this example, we will see a simple way of deleting any worksheet. To Delete Sheet in VBA we a Delete Worksheet method. You can delete multiple Worksheets in a similar fashion as how.