Vba Cellsfind Multiple. Of course it selects them in sequence but they do not remain selected, so at the end i just have the last found cell selected. Next statement with the Like operator.
vba - Excel delete entire row where is first cell empty ... (Madge Rogers)
Find(What:=WhatToFind(iCtr) However, VBA provides a much more efficient way of accomplishing this using the Find method. Getting the last row in a range (you need. Among them I want to find all cell which value is "atik" copy the cell value before "atik" and paste in second sheet in one column with the column heading atik.
Those cells having red flag has comments in it.
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Find function Loop with multiple criteria/if statements
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To find cells that match more complicated patterns, use a For Each. Now I will show you how to find the comment word using the find method. I have a row of cells that depending on which option button I have selected, will display a certain range of values.