Vba Active Worksheet Unprotect. It's even worse when that person happens to be ourselves; all it takes is one accidental. To unprotect a Worksheet without knowing the password, you must use a password recovery add-in.
To unprotect a Worksheet without knowing the password, you must use a password recovery add-in.
When the original protect routine is called for the first time, everything works fine.
One option is to unprotect the worksheet, run the code / macro, and then protect it again, as shown below To overcome the first shortcoming wherein the worksheet remains unprotected upon the code encountering an error, you can use an ErrorHandler, as shown below Excel VBA Worksheets VBA Activesheet vs Worksheets, Select, Activate etc. There are a TON of different ways to reference workbooks & worksheets, and provide the right context in VBA. Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True Next x End Sub.