Varsity Letter Pins And Bars. Mascot lapel pins are a great way to show your school spirit and are available in many of the most popular styles such as eagle pins, bison pins, hornet lapel pins and. Possessing a varsity letter pin and wearing it on a letterman jacket shows athletic achievement and membership to an exclusive group of athletes.
These additional designations are shown by adding embroidered sport insignias, modeled metal insert pins, or bars that are attached to the letter.
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Use these letters in newsletters, signs, websites, and other school projects. All Pins & Spring Bars browse our large selection of spring bar and pins for your watch bracelet and leather band repairs. stamped pin assortments for metal band repairs threaded spring bars (Gucci style) tubes & pin with notch for metal band repair universal spring bars. Sports pins, or varsity pins as they are sometimes called, are often worn on a varsity jacket, varsity letter, or patch.