Utah Health Care Directive Form. I want my Health Care Proxy: ❏ to follow only the directions as listed on this form. Planning for Important Health Care Decisions.
Available for PC, iOS and Android.
A Medical Health Care Directive allows a person to make decisions about future health care in the event that the person is unable to state his or her desires at the time the decision is necessary.
An advance health care directive or AHCD (otherwise known as a living will, personal directive, or medical directive) is a document that instructs others about your medical care should you be unable to make decisions on your own. I expressly intend this directive to be a final expression of my legal right to refuse medical or surgical treatment and to accept the consequences from this refusal which shall remain in effect notwithstanding my. en Utah) Part I: My Agent (Health Care Power of Attorney) (continued) (Parte I: Mi Representante Initial (Marcar) I do not wish to express preferences about health care wishes in this directive. Start a free trial now to save. health care. utah living will. you are here: forms menu. health care. utah living will.