Usps Shipping Zones Map 2019. This map identifies the USPS delivery zone based on the package's origin location and final destination in the United States. Ground Time-in-Transit Maps provide full color U.
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As you can see, the area near Los Angeles USPS zones are dynamic, meaning they will be different based on your location. See if USPS Tracking is down or it's just you. Zones are categorized by taking the mileage between origin and destination zip codes, which is then used (usually along with weight and/or package dimensions) to determine a price to ship that package.
The maps below demonstrate what zones look like for USPS and UPS if, for example, the greater Los Angeles area is the point of origin.
The Postal Service's Domestic Zone Chart has two useful tools.
Priority Mail Delivery Map | Time Zones Map World
USPS Shipping Zones - 4C Print Shop
Parcel Post ("Retail Surface") Prices Chart
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Finding your postal Zone using ZIP Codes and the USPS Zone ...
Parcel Shipping Zones - Visible
Enter your ZIP Code under What ZIP Code are you mailing from? (origination point). Post yours and see other's reports and complaints. Select the Get Zone for ZIP Code Pair tab on the Domestic Zone Chart page.