Used Vehicle Purchase Agreement Form. Agreement Templates -Best sample for a car purchase agreement template is available in Remember the template is a legal document that be used at the law court in case of any legal Delivery of vehicle. Vehicle purchase agreement, or you can also call it as car sales agreement, is typically a sales agreement between the buyer and the seller of the car or vehicle.
Using this Agreement, the Buyer and Seller can outline the terms and conditions of the sale and describe the vehicle that is being sold.
Buyer is engaged in the business of operating a mobile food facility selling food products, and has agreed to purchase a vehicle and kitchen equipment from Seller.
A Used Car Purchase Agreement is signed when a used vehicle is purchased from either a certified dealership or an owning person. This Vehicle and Equipment Purchase Agreement is used to purchase a vehicle or equipment for your business. Home forms Hire Purchase Agreement For Hire-Purchase Of A Motor Vehicle. (i) Not sell, assign, pledge, mortgage, underlet, lend or part with the possession of the said vehicle and not allow the said vehicle to be used by anybody else or kept or detained or run for the use of any other person.